This distribution includes binary files in the following subdirectories: firmware/ -- binary images (and their ascii bin-arrays) for download to the dongle device host/ -- linux kernel modules: host drivers for the dongle apps/ -- tools for dongle download and runtime WLAN commands A brief overview of how to use these files can be found in ReleaseNotes.html. Source code for rebuilding the host-side binaries is provided in the src directory; an overview of that structure is: src/include -- various header files src/shared -- source files which may be shared by several binaries src/dongle -- dongle-specific header src/dhd/linux -- build directory for dhd linux module (dhd and sdstd) src/dhd/sys -- source code for dhd driver src/bcmsdio/sys -- source code for sdstd driver (for standard SDIO host) To rebuild the dhd kernel module, which incorporates both the dongle host driver (dhd) and the SDIO host controller driver (sdstd): % cd src/dhd/linux % make dhd-cdc-sdstd The resulting module file (dhd.o or dhd.ko) will be placed in a subdirectory named dhd-cdc-sdstd-<version>, where <version> is the Linux kernel version of the compiling system. The kernel module may also be built with an embedded dongle image which can then be loaded automatically when the module starts, rather than requiring a separate user command to download (as described in the Release Notes): % cd src/dhd/linux % make dhd-cdc-sdstd-dnglimage The firmware image embedded in the module is generally determined by the DNGL_IMAGE_NAME variable in src/dhd/linux/Makefile. You may modify that line in the Makefile or specify DNGL_IMAGE_NAME=<variant> on the make command line (where <variant> is the name of one of the image directories found in src/dongle/rte/wl/builds) To rebuild a module with additional debugging messages enabled, add -debug to the make target: % cd src/dhd/linux % make dhd-cdc-sdstd-debug ------------------------------------------------------------------------